Sunday, April 13, 2008

We went on through Oklahoma and stopped at Bro Vineyard's church in Ok City. After the service we trucked on through the rest of Oklahoma and into Texas. Pics to follow. We stopped at the Big Texan for Brandon to do the 72 oz steak challenge in Amarillo, we are here now so we will upload pics later and give an update. The atmosphere isn't all we hoped for so we are never coming here again, promise. Looks like we are having church on the road, but that should be fun, besides, this church needs some good offerings.
The landscape has changed drastically since we entered Texas. It is beautiful already, Its nice to have some new things to look at.

1 comment:

The Brocks said...

You are all in our prayers. Looks like you are all having fun...keep up the good spirits!;) Can't wait to see what's next.
Love you.